Category Archives: Choro

“Choro Pro Zé” – Amazingly Beautiful Brazilian Guitar Composition

Choro Pro Zé (Choro for Zé) is a composition by Guinga, one of the greatest living composers of the Brazilian guitar. It explores the tonality of D minor, starting with a scale of whole tones. The piece is harmonically very rich, making use of modal borrowings and chromatic passages, and calls for a softer, velvety […]

BRAZILIAN FLAMENCO! – “Santa Morena” (Jacob do Bandolim)

Santa Morena Jacob do Bandolim

This is my arrangement of the choro waltz “Santa Morena”, a spanish influenced piecee by Brazilian composer Jacob do Bandolim, to which I attempted to bring a flamenco flavor using somee techniques and concepts of the flamenco “bulerías” style.

Brazilian Choro – Espinha de Bacalhau

Felipe Coelho performs his own arrangement of Severino Araújo’s “Espinha de Bacalhau”, a choro know for it’s difficulty specially on the B and C sections where the melody doubles the subdivision. The arrangement is done so that the three different times the A section appears, it is played differently. Firstly rubatto on the low register, […]